2. “加利福尼亚州洛杉矶西六街424号Mike Lyman’s餐厅的拟议装饰图纸。”[图纸#10,方案1天花板颜色方案-主餐厅,由温诺德·赖斯绘制 高清作品[97%]

Drawings for proposed decorations of Mike Lymans Restaurant, 424 W. Sixth St., Los Angeles, CA.] [Drawing #10, Scheme 1; Color scheme for ceiling  main dining room-

图片文件尺寸 : 5752 x 9028px

“加利福尼亚州洛杉矶西六街424号Mike Lyman’s餐厅的拟议装饰图纸。”[图纸#10,方案1天花板颜色方案-主餐厅,由Winold Reiss绘制-Winold Reiss

Mike Lyman’的拟议装饰图纸s餐厅,424 W.Sixth St.,Los Angeles,CA。][图纸#10,方案1天花板主餐厅的颜色方案--Winold Reiss (美国, 1886-1953)

下载“加利福尼亚州洛杉矶西六街424号Mike Lyman’s餐厅的拟议装饰图纸。”[图纸#10,方案1天花板颜色方案-主餐厅,由温诺德·赖斯绘制大图

4. “Yorketowne Coffee Shop的拟议重新装修图纸,Job#238,York,PA。”[图纸#6,温诺德·赖斯的桌子、柜台和长椅的内部平面图 高清作品[96%]

Drawings for proposed redecorations of Yorketowne Coffee Shop, Job #238, York, PA.] [Drawing #6, interior plans for tables, counters, benches-

图片文件尺寸 : 9724 x 7436px

“Yorketowne Coffee Shop的拟议重新装修图纸,Job#238,York,PA。”[图纸#6,Winold Reiss的桌子、柜台和长椅的内部平面图-Winold Reiss

Drawings for proposed redecorations of Yorketowne Coffee Shop, Job #238, York, PA.] [Drawing #6, interior plans for tables, counters, benches--Winold Reiss (美国, 1886-1953)

下载“Yorketowne Coffee Shop的拟议重新装修图纸,Job#238,York,PA。”[图纸#6,温诺德·赖斯的桌子、柜台和长椅的内部平面图大图